Our Mission

Canadian online pharmacy is a dedicated healthcare provider with a foundation built in March 2020 by medical professionals who have grown to form a national alliance of compassionate individuals from all walks of life. Our mission is to establish a network of volunteers to mobilize medical supplies and ensure they reach those who need them most.

Across Canada, many healthcare facilities face a shortage of essential supplies, critical for protecting healthcare providers and patients from various infectious agents. This shortage, which includes items like N95 and surgical masks, non-latex gloves, and medical gowns, puts our medical workforce at risk. This situation increases the risk of infection within our communities.

Canadian Pharmacy requests all institutions, laboratories, and individuals with spare supplies to consider donating to help alleviate this crisis. We also accept monetary donations, which we use to procure and transport essential supplies. As of June 2020, we are a recognized nonprofit organization under Canadian law.

We acknowledge the significant impact of structural bias and discrimination, leading to marginalized populations bearing a disproportionate burden from various health crises. We are committed to ensuring equitable distribution, focusing on delivering supplies to those most impacted. Our donations reach not only hospitals and clinics but also community aid organizations, homeless shelters, domestic violence safe houses, long-term care facilities, and more.

Canadian Pharmacy is committed to equitable resource distribution, proactive outreach to marginalized populations, and community education and engagement. We believe that unity is the only way to overcome these challenges, and we implore everyone to contribute in any way they can. Together, we can make a difference.