Who We Are

Our philosophy

The main principles of a Canadian company are friendliness, attention, individual approach, and maximum focus on the needs and convenience of customers. “We work to make you healthy” helps thousands of potential customers opt for this network of pharmacies. Regular improvement of service level standards, uniforms for all pharmacies in the network, constant expansion of the assortment, quality assurance of the drugs offered, convenient navigation of sales areas, and the offer of additional services — these are the reasons that have attracted and continue to attract customers to the pharmacies.

An important step in the formation of the corporate identity of our Canadian pharmacy was the rebranding, which contributed to the creation of its new image and increased the attractiveness and recognition of the network brand. The rebranding, in which the British agency took an active part, was based on the idea that every person can and should live a full and harmonious life, feeling attractive and healthy.

Our drugstore provide the best services for you to take care of your health. We realize that it’s much easier to fulfill all your dreams and achieve all your goals if you don’t worry about your health. We do all we can to help you live a full life.

Quality control

Our company pays much attention to the implementation of good pharmacy practice (GPP) and the formation of a quality management system. For example, the joint FIP/WHO Guidelines on Good Pharmacy Practice require the development of minimum national standards for drug preparation. In accordance with this document, manufacturers must ensure the purity and safety of medicines, and all the medicines must be made from proper quality raw materials, etc.

In practice, quality control of pharmaceutical production includes several aspects before they come to Canadian drugstores. It all starts with the input control, according to the supplier’s documents: it is needed to make sure that the pharmacy received exactly the declared drug, purchased from a licensed and certified company. There are clear algorithms for medicine manufacturing. First, the manufacturing company makes a calculation where it is noted how much drug is needed to manufacture one form or another. Then the necessary equipment, utensils, appliances, tools, and containers for vacation are selected. This is followed by the technological process. The next step is the output control. The presence of a label on the manufactured drug is checked, as is its compliance with the original formula.

In addition, there are a range of simple rules that are followed by pharmacies. For example, in order to avoid cross-contamination (mixing), the simultaneous production of several drugs is excluded.

In Canadian pharmacies, a huge catalog of products is available. There is a designated area for prescription medications, with one counter for placing orders and another for picking them up. Other items such as medical equipment, dietary supplements, cosmetics, and baby products are freely accessible on racks, shelves, or in cabinets. It’s important to note that pharmacy manufacturing systems do not conduct complete chemical analyses like pharmaceutical production facilities. Instead, they rely on traditional control methods such as organoleptic, weight and volume checks, and document control to ensure quality.