Levitra Generic (Vardenafil) – ED Tablets, Sildenafil Alternative

Generic for Levitra is an economical version of the brand Levitra. Used for treating erectile dysfunction, it contains the same key ingredient – Vardenafil. This substance functions as a PDE5 inhibitor. Addiction, psychotropic effects, or sexual arousal are not brought on by Levitra. The pharmacological action consists of making the smooth muscle layer of blood vessels not as tightened and increasing blood circulation in the male genital organ. As a result of this process, erections improve in response to natural stimulation.

The effectiveness of PDE5 inhibitors in various forms of ED is, according to various clinical studies, from 60 to 85%. Tablets are designed to be taken before each sexual intercourse, i.e. when you take the pill, the erection improves, without the pill, the erection will be the same as it was recently before the start of treatment.

In recent years, there have been reports that regular daily intake of relatively small doses of erection pills for at least 12 weeks has a certain healing effect, i.e. improves the quality of one’s natural erections. To enhance the effect of PDE inhibitors are used in conjunction with male sex hormones, injections of vasodilators into the penis, and surgeries to restrict venous outflow from the penis.

How was the drug discovered?

The discovery of Viagra was a fortunate moment for men and prompted other pharmaceutical companies to develop their own drug to improve male function. Levitra Vardenafil is the second drug that was invented for the treatment of men’s occasional failures in bed. This merit is assigned to pharmaceutical giants – Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Schering.

The chemical formula illustrates that one more carbon atom and a different nitrogen position distinguish Levitra from Viagra. Structural alterations have resulted in a slight difference between Vardenafil and Sildenafil: the duration of action is prolonged and a cumulative impact is present.

On March 6th, 2003, the European Commission allowed the sale of the drug throughout the European Union. A few months later, Levitra became the official name. In Europe, you can find the same drug under the name Vivanza.

How does Generic Levitra differ?

There are two types of Levitra: traditional pills and generics, which differ only in cost. Generics are exact analogs of the original medicines, with the same composition and active ingredient. In the generic formulation, only one or a few additional substances are changed, after which a series of safety studies and laboratory tests are carried out. After receiving positive results, the drug is approved for sale.

As said earlier, the main advantage of generic Levitra is the price, which is several times less than the original. However, this does not affect the quality – the cost is less due to lower production costs. Generics are produced based on developed and proven technology, without the need for lengthy and costly clinical trials. These steps have already been carried out by the manufacturer of the original drug.

What are the possible dosages?

Both the original medication Levitra and its analogs (generic equivalents) are easily available on the market. The latter’s production was made possible because Bayer, the drug’s primary manufacturer, no longer had the exclusive right to the patent.

The active ingredient in the original Levitra, Vardenafil, is 20 mg. Generic medications come in dosages of 10, 20, 40, and 60 mg.

  • If you intend to test the medication and see how it affects your body, it is better to choose a dosage of 10 mg.
  • Tablets with a dosage of 20 mg are typically taken by those who decide to regularly take the drug to enhance sexual performance.

The necessary dose is selected by the doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the man’s body, his age, the presence of additional ailments, as well as the general state of health. The dosage can be both increased and reduced at the discretion of the doctor.

How does the drug work?

Vardenafil, which forms the basis of generic Levitra, blocks the phosphodiesterase enzyme, ensuring the release of sodium oxide and blood flow to the man’s penis. The effect of the drug is observed only in the presence of natural stimulation, as a result of which natural arousal and libido are enhanced. Vardenafil works within 15-25 minutes after oral administration, and the duration of exposure is at least four hours and up to 12 hours.

How to take Generic Levitra?

The rules for taking the drug depend on the form and dosage required, but there are several general recommendations:

  • The minimum dose is 10 mg per day, and the maximum is 20 mg.
  • For men over 65, the recommended daily dose is 5 mg.
  • Take the tablet shortly before sexual intercourse with clean water.
  • Fatty foods and alcohol do not affect the effectiveness of the drug, but it is better not to abuse alcohol, limiting yourself to a glass of wine or 50 g of strong drink.

Like other drugs from this group, Levitra begins to act only with sexual stimulation. Many men choose Levitra tablets because of the soft action, which is expressed in the minimum likelihood of side effects. The tablet is washed down with clean water. Tablets can be taken regardless of the meal and its fat content.

What are the contraindications?

Levitra is a drug that has some contraindications for use. This treatment is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • Presence of chronic diseases in a severe stage;
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • Under the age of 18 and women;
  • Simultaneous reception with any organic nitrates.

With caution, it is recommended to take Levitra Generic in any form for anatomical deformation of the penis, sickle cell anemia, or leukemia. In case of serious issues in the state of health, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

Are side effects possible?

This question interests all our potential users of Levitra Generic. Levitra Generic is practically harmless to the body. Side effects are very minor and can be expressed by symptoms such as slight redness of the face, headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, runny nose, and stomach disorders.


We try to publish reliable and up-to-date materials. At the same time, we cannot give any guarantee regarding the posted materials. All materials and publications on this website are posted for general informational purposes only.

Remember that even a thorough study of the instructions is not a reason to replace a visit to the doctor with self-treatment. All responsibility for the consequences of treatment without a doctor’s prescription lies with you.

If you feel any changes in your health or symptoms, consult your doctor. Any data from our website or other data source should not be used to make decisions about changing a dose, changing a drug, or stopping treatment. The website administration is not responsible for the misuse of information on the website.